Category Archives: Scenario 2 Islands

The Island evolves!

“…models are more useful for the study of a project.I make models as a supplement to the research” – Alvaro Siza Viera

The next stage of my exploration started by making a solid contour model of my island. I struggled initially with understanding how to mark the the contour levels given the size of my model but eventually i worked it out ! The clay model was placed in a tub and water was slowly poured in. The contour lines formed with every 3 mm increase in water level were marked using a scalpel. 12 contour lines were formed before the island was completely submerged.


Figure 1 : Marking the contours

The next step was making the model.I first attempted it using cardboard but felt it was a difficult and time consuming material to work with.I struggled to make clean cuts and was not satisfied with the end product.

Figure 2 :

Figure 2 : Using cardboard

So i decided to use foam board instead which was relatively easier to work with.

Figure 3

Figure 3 : Contour Model using foam board

Figure : Side view of contour model

Figure 4: Side view of contour model

The model made me see my island differently. It was starting to become more realistic and i could visualize it as a land form.

The next stage saw me use a very different material- wire. Wire is a deceptively simple material to work with. I assumed it would be best suited for the shape of my island as it has many curves, to bend and retain the shape of wire is not easy but an interesting medium to work with nonetheless.I created a grid to support the structure firmly and then built up from that.

Figure : Wireframe model

Figure 5 : Wireframe model

Figure : Side view of wireframe model

Figure 6 : Side view of wireframe model

The next step involves creating a landscape feature on the island using the wire model  for construction technique and material inspiration !

Scenario 2: Islands

Designing is a process and a design is constantly evolving as one continues to interact with it. The next couple of posts follow me as i design my own imaginary island and sees my island transform through interaction with different mediums and perspectives.

I started by creating a basic shape in a tub of sand. Sand is a fantastic medium to work with when ideating. As it slips through your fingers , you can’t help but be transported back in time to childhood memories and a sense of freedom.


Figure 1 : Island in sand

Since our last project involved water and some of its qualities, it was interesting to think of the erosive quality of water and its impact on this land mass over time.

The island was then modeled using plasticine clay. The textures and shape started to really came through in this medium.Using an A5 foam board to represent sea level helped in understanding the scale of this island.Further it was also interesting to note the interaction where land met water.


Figure 2 :Island in clay

Below is the the same view of the island that one sees in the image where it was modeled in sand.The forms have clearly evolved and taken a slightly more realistic shape.

Figure 3 : View of the island in clay

On drawing this view in pencil and charcoal i found the textures and contours taking better form.

Figure 4 :Pencil and charcoal sketch of the island

My imaginary island was starting to come alive!